The CVRC is housed within approximately 19,650 square feet in the MR-5 research building plus a portion of the sixth floor of MR-4. The CVRC has the capacity to support between 12-16 resident faculty laboratories. To help foster and promote basic and applied cardiovascular research and to help integrate interdisciplinary research efforts across departmental boundaries the CVRC provides several shared services/facilities to its members.

Ultimately these spaces are setup for the immediate use of resident CVRC faculty members but they are also available to all CVRC members. Each member PI using these shared spaces should insure they communicate with the CVRC Business Office and inform them of their planned usage or need. This is to insure that space is available, that procedures for usage are understood and that notifications are provided. The CVRC will make every effort to post procedures on our website or in the locations of shared areas/equipment but is not responsible for any failure or loss to any items due to general malfunction of area beyond our control.

Detailed information or contact information for each shared is provided below.

The goal of the CVRC Histology Core is to provide high quality histological services and expertise in a cost-effective, value-added manner to CVRC resident and member investigators. The services that the CVRC Histology core provides span a range of capabilities directed at correlative studies in basic, preclinical, and clinical investigations. More

The Isakson Lab maintains two confocal microscopes for use by members of the Robert M. Berne Cardiovascular Research Center after they complete a training program directed by Angie Best-Campbell, who supervises use of the microscopes. More

As part of the broader proteomic expertise in cardiovascular research at the University of Virginia, the Robert M. Berne Cardiovascular Research Center in conjunction with the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine has purchased an Odyssey Infared Imaging System. The Licor Odyssey scans immunoblots in the 700 nm and 800 nm wavelengths, providing 1) superb and unmatched quantitation due to the lack of saturation of pixels as seen with filter based systems and chemiluminescence, 2) better sensitivity than chemiluminescence and 3) excellent signal-to-noise.
In addition, our Licor system has an optional mouse attachment mouse pod enabling in vivo imaging of up to three mice at one time with built in gas chamber. More

The BioRad ChemiDoc Imaging System is a high performance CCD camera that can provide digital images of DNA gels, Protein gels and Western blots. It provides high quality imaging of gels and western blots without the need for film processing and a darkroom. The system comes with trays that enable the use of various stains such as coomassie blue, silver, Syber green and ethidium bromide. The system software allows for sensitive detection and quantitation of gel bands and can generate images that are publication quality. More

The CFX96™ optical reaction module converts the C1000 Touch™ thermal cycler chassis into the powerful and precise CFX96 Touch real-time PCR detection system. This six-channel system combines advanced optical technology with precise thermal control to deliver sensitive, reliable detection. Quickly set up runs and monitor amplification traces in real time on the integrated LCD touch screen. With up to five-target detection, unsurpassed thermal cycler performance, unrivaled stand-alone functionality, and powerful yet easy-to-use software, the CFX96 Touch system is designed to advance your qPCR. More

The tissue culture rooms are located in MR5, room 1216 and 1218. Before using the CVRC Tissue Culture (TC) Facilities you must obtain permission, instruction, a key, and a copy of the rules by contacting Rupa Tripathi 982-4382 or [email protected]More

Users who would like to know more information about this system should contact Brian Helmke directly to discuss equipment, training, scheduling and issues at 924-1726 [email protected]

Users who would like to know more information about these rooms should contact Paul Orange directly to discuss equipment, training, scheduling and issues at 243-9442 [email protected]

Users who would like to know more information about these systems should contact Paul Orange directly to discuss equipment and issues at 243-9442 [email protected]

User who would like to use these rooms should contact Paul Orange directly to discuss procedures at 243-9442 [email protected]More

Users who would like to know more information about these rooms should contact the CVRC Business Office at (434) 924-5500

Users who would like to know more information about these rooms should contact the CVRC Business Office at (434) 924-5500

Responsibility of Shared Space

The responsibility for the maintenance, upkeep, monitoring, and running of shared space rests with all CVRC faculty in MR4 and MR5. For example, it is expected that all shared facilities and equipment spaces are left clean and functional. All items stored in shared areas are clearly marked with lab name and contact info. If problems arise with the unsupervised shared spaces, please discuss with the CVRC COO.

In the supervised shared spaces, the principal investigator assigned to oversee the operation of the space has the authority to create rules and regulations that pertain to the usage of the shared space, as they see fit, to guarantee that the integrity of the space remains intact.

These rules and regulations can be but are not limited to: experimental techniques to be used in the space, training required, monitoring the access to the shared space, requiring reservation and signing in of the space and disciplinary actions associated with improper usage of the space. Each PI supervising a shared facility will provide a set of written rules that will be reviewed and posted accordingly.

Conflict Resolution

Any conflict that arises from the usage of CVRC Shared Facilities should be resolved between the complaining party and the principal investigator assigned to monitor the space. If a resolution is unattainable by this procedure then a formal request for a conflict resolution can be submitted to the COO of the Center.